Sunday, November 10, 2013

Super Sambal

This next culinary adventure takes us to a place that will make any grown man cry, and should never be a first-stop for newcomers of Indonesian HEAT. Although I've been going to this place for a couple of years, I'm just getting the chance, and *courage* to blog about it. The name of this restaurant, 'Super Sambal', is an extremely fitting name--where the sambal (hot sauce) comes pedas' sekali (extra spicy)--and in many shapes, sizes, forms, colors, and important to note--severity of spiciness.

I love coming to this place for a variety of reasons, but perhaps the greatest reason is this: I tend to sweat off the same amount of weight that I gain from eating the food! My wife tends to laugh whenever a pool forms under my chin, and I can't help but laugh too, amid the "Haaaa's!!" from the heat and spiciness.  In all seriousness, this is one place any person who can handle a bit of heat needs to check out, if ever in the Jakarta area. I was surprised to find out some of my Indonesian friends haven't even heard of this place, but googling to find one nearby always works out just fine. I would have to recommend the Ayam Bakar (Baked Chicken), with a side of Sambal Tomat (tomato and chilis mixed together with mortar & pestle) as well as Sambal Mangga Mudah (young mango sliced and diced with sambal). De-LISH! Super Sambal also carries a long list of juices, SUPER-cheap fruit appetizers, and other tasty (gorengan) treats that are commonplace for a legit Indonesian eatery.

I give Super Sambal the following Michigan-rating*:

Ambiance: 1 gorengan (just a regular table-and-chairs place)
Specialties: 2 gorengan (for unique types of sambal)
Food: 2 gorengan (cooked to perfection, overall quality good)
Service: 2 gorengan (service with a smile)

*SPOOF off of the Michelin rating; 3 is the maximum score to be attained in any one category. Gorengan is any Indo-style snack food that has been deep-fried...which can be just about anything, here in Indonesia!

Lesson of the day (aka. "Resto-Lesso"): Get out of your comfort zone a bit, to experience the local flavors of where you're at...even if it causes you to burn your lips off a bit! 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Bakmie Parmo

There's a place, not far from where we live, where Indonesian men and women alike, start their mornings making noodles. Drawer-fulls of noodles, literally. Now normally, noodles aren't the most sought-out food type here in Indonesia--where there is literally oodles of noodles...but for this hole-in-the-wall resto, people come from miles around to get a little slice of amazing. Whether rich or poor, just about anyone will come to Bakmie Parmo for their noodles--and of course, the Bakso goreng (fried meat dough-ball). In a country of millions, you really need to be shown this's not the type of restaurant where you would "just stop for a taste." Located in the obscurity of strip rukos off Jalan Serpong (Summerecon Serpong, Tangerang, Indonesia), we were shown this delectable gem from our friends, Ida and Daddi some time ago.
BParmo specializes in their one main dish, as stated before: noodles. But don't let that be your only order; they've got a whole menu of food--typically plastered on their wall, of everything from steamed vegetables to swekiaw and pangsit (boiled dumplings with delicious meat-shrimp-chicken-fillings). This is a Saturday morning ritual that my wife and I have now become comfortably accustomed to, and although we don't wake up as early as our introductory counterparts (Ida & Daddi), we do always get smiling faces from the staff  upon our return! If you're ever in the area, don't miss  the chance to check out Bakmie Parmo. It is an absolute must to come early, as the servings sell fast, normally by 9am. You will always get a seat--but don't be shy, it may be next to a fast-eating, fast-speaking Indo-Chinese family! Mari Makan!!
Price range: 25-50,000rp ($2.50-$5.00usd)/pax

I give Bakmie Parmo the following Michigan-rating*:
Ambiance: 1 gorengan
Specialties: 2 gorengan
Food: 3 gorengan
Service: 1 gorengan

*SPOOF off of the Michelin rating; 3 is the maximum score to be attained in any one category. Gorengan is any Indo-style snack food that has been deep-fried...which can be just about anything, here in Indonesia!

Here are those literal DRAWER-FULLS of noodles! YUM! :P

The amazing-wall menu, that most budget warungs/restaurants apply here in Indonesia!

Gottta' have that sambal (Indonesian hot sauce)!!! Bakmie Parmo has three options to burn your tongue off--hot, extra hot, and their home-made-what-the-berjeberrrs!!!! hot sauce. I like to employ an undisclosed mixture of the last two styles, myself.
Today's foodie lesson: Don't judge a book by its cover...I mean, seriously...who would go to this place?? But in actuality, this has been tastier food than I've eaten in some restaurants that I've laid down $30-40! Eat on....